Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We just go back from visiting Lala and Papa on their mission in Hawaii. It was a wonderful family reunion. Everyone was there except for Trevor (he was studying away). Jaden loved playing with her cousins in the ocean and at the beautiful resort pools. She even won a Hawaiian ice racing down the water slide. Jacob loves playing in the sand and just being around so many kids. We all loved seeing Lala and Papa!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Trevor! And this is no April Fools joke - Trevor turned 33. He is now enjoying the 58 days he is older then I am. We celebrated with a scavenger hunt that led him to his presents ( which were all returned the next day). We made him where a name tag to school"I'm the birthday boy today". This made for a fun day with lots of birthday wishes.

Springtime is here. We have been playing at the parks, jogging in Sabino Canyon, going to ward picnics and just enjoying the beautiful cool spring weather while it lasts.