Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trevor has been, you guessed it, busy, busy, busy. He's been juggling constant interviews and call backs, school, law review, a job, a church calling, and being the super-fun dad. After an extra week of anxiously waiting to find out if he was going to receive an offer from the San Diego DLA Piper office, the biggest law firm in the world, he received the magic phone call. This offer as a summer associate next year is big news, as the firm you summer with often is where you end up working. We love to be close to the family in Arizona, but the cool ocean air has been calling to us and we can barely stop jumping up and down in anticipation. With more call backs in Irvine and San Diego next week, Trevor continues to juggle.

Jacob magically turned from baby to boy right before my eyes. He is curious and hilarious. Always trying to play with us. If only we could play peek-a-boo and chase forever! I've yet another social child on my hands, as like his sister, he loves to say hi to everyone he meets. His favorite animals are still the giraffe and lion. Jacob was completely mesmerized when I took him to the zoo for the first time last week. Jacob loves reading books, sitting in his pink chair and cheese.

It's been almost 6 weeks since Jaden started her first day of school and we are still faking sick almost every morning. Jaden is amazing in her ability to dramatize any situation, but to truly feel a dislike for going all day to a school she doesn't enjoy makes for some pretty amazing theatrical performances. "School is like a bully." " I don't know if I'll live if I go one more day". "I think I've got the coughs and throw-ups at the same time". She recently tried to verify her illnesses with a thermometer. When told it must read 100 degrees, it only took two days to figure out that if she held it up to the light she could get it to excactly 100. Someone said, " if she's smart enough to figure that out, maybe she is right, she doesn't need to go to school." Despite the physically required dragging to school, she is learning soo much and making new friends. Jaden is also busy with Kindermusic, gymnastics, soccer and chess.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008